This solution embeds inpatient medication reconciliation into a Discharge Navigator to help the patient care team collaboratively work on patient notes from admission through discharge. The Navigator enables a team-based approach to building the patient summary and discharge notes.
The process of building the discharge summary notes can be started as soon as the patient is admitted. Notes can be updated and saved by multiple providers, making it easy for the inpatient team to have patient notes completed as soon as the patient is ready to be discharged.
At discharge the tool guides the inpatient team through the discharge process, including medication reconciliation, and builds the patient discharge summary document.
Team Based Approach
Facilitates performing medication reconciliation as a team and enables collaborative completion and update of patient notes during the course of the admission, streamlining the process of building the discharge summary documents
Vitals, Labs, and Studies Information
Information from vitals, labs and studies will be automatically brought into the patient notes
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