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About AviTracks-CM

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The only Chronic Care Management solution that bridges the gap in healthcare coordination and collaboration.

AviTracks-CM is a SaaS solution that helps you tap into recurring revenue streams and meet CMS compliance requirements – without any significant upfront investment in technology or additional staff.

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Benefits of AviTracks-CM

AviTracks-CM is a complete solution to help you implement, grow and manage your CCM services business.

 AviTracks-CM streamlines and automates the entire care management process including non-face-to-face services provided under Medicare CPT code 99490. Our easy to use software helps small businesses grow their revenues and manage more patients without increasing staff levels - through efficient workflow automation and staff utilization.

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Features of AviTracks-CM

AviTracks-CM is affordable and highly configurable - you can be up and running with a solution tailored to your specific needs in a matter of days.

With AviTracks-CM you can automate your entire care management workflow - from enrolling the patient, documenting medications, tracking phone calls and other interventions to generating reports needed for billing requirements. This includes supporting documentation for CPT code 99490.

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Download our Whitepaper

Understanding Medicare TCM and CCM Programs

Many healthcare providers are missing out on opportunities to receive financial compensation from CMS.

Discover how your organization can benefit from these programs.

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The AviTracks-CM solution streamlines and automates the process for managing non-face-to-face services included under CPT code 99490. Our easy to use software helps CCM service providers capture new revenue streams, scale their operations and optimize staffing levels as they grow.

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