Population Health Screenings for the Prevention of Chronic Disease Progression
Early detection of disease enables prompt treatment that can prevent disease progression and costly health outcomes. We report incidence of previously unrecognized disease and investigate the expected effect of early detection and care on health outcomes.
CMS Releases Proposed and Final Rules to Make Hospitals and Insurers Post Prices
Under the rule, hospitals will have to post in a searchable and convenient format the payer-negotiated rates for 300 shoppable services. The hospitals also have to post a single data file with negotiated rates for all services that can be used by consumers, researchers and app providers.
Hospitals Waste Billions on Bad Supply Chain Management, Navigant Says
Unnecessary spending on supply chain products and related operations reached $25.7 billion in 2018, according to a Navigant study of 2,127 hospitals. Hospitals had an opportunity last year to cut their supply expenses by 17.4% on average, which translates into an average $12.1 million in dollar savings, up 22.6% from 2017.
Disparities Between Care in Rural, Urban Areas Getting Worse
Rural residents have a 23% higher mortality rate, according to one of the studies, along with more preventable hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Rural outcomes are especially dire for chronic and behavioral health, with deaths related to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and suicide exponentially increasing over the past few years.