The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is examining risk adjustment tactics that have led to overpayments to some Medicare Advantage plans, Secretary Xavier Becerra told reporters Friday.
Avicenna Medical Blog
DeAnn Dennis
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2022 Medicare Care Management Updates - CCM, PCM and RTM
Posted by DeAnn Dennis on Thu, Mar 17, 2022 @ 11:42 AM
Overview; CCM, PCM and RTM Program Updates:
If you are planning to offer, or currently offer chronic care management or remote monitoring services to your patients, CMS is providing more financial incentive with new billing codes and increased reimbursement rates.
CMS significantly increased the reimbursement rate for Chronic Care Management and created a new add-on code for provider time spent managing CCM patients.
Principal Care Management also received a significant reimbursement increase...
Diagnostic excellence in the care of older adults requires awareness of the risks of errors of commission (overtesting and overtreatment) as well as the risks of omission (missing a diagnosis because of mistaken assumptions or faulty heuristics). A personalized approach to setting goals of care is desirable for all patients, and it is especially important for older adults.
For 2022, new codes have been added to the care management group, some have been modified for clarity, and others have been tweaked to better match their Medicare G-code counterparts.
Remote Therapeutic Monitoring: How CMS Reimbursement is Propelling Digital Health Innovation Forward
Digital health innovations hold great promise for improving healthcare delivery, but their implementation at scale is often undermined by reimbursement challenges.
The AMA has created a framework for development and use of AI, building on AMA policy for augmented intelligence (PDF) and the latest research and viewed through the lenses of ethics, evidence and equity: Trustworthy Augmented Intelligence in Health Care.
Telehealth represented less than 1% of the total health care volume in the United States prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and more than half of physicians usedtelehealthfor the first time in the pandemic’s first few months. Subsequent research shows physicians have overwhelmingly responded positively to its implementation.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is delaying the scheduled deployment of its new electronic health record effort at the VA Central Ohio Healthcare System in response to a surge in COVID-19 cases affecting the workforce and community.